Why offer Free Content ?

Why offer Free Content ?

Why is it so important to give before we can take. Offering free content is a great way to build trust. Lets look at types of content you can offer for free. Let’s have a look at a few great ways to hook your visitor by giving him something free.

1. E-book or whitepaper – Create around six blog posts that discuss a similar topic(s) and then combine them to make yourself an e-book or whitepaper. Depending on the length of the blog, you might need more post. Feel it out as you go.

2. How to Guides – People want to know how to accomplish all kinds of things. All you need to do is create a simple guide for your visitors that they can download. For example, perhaps you sell an analytics product, and then create a guide on how to effectively use this kind of product.

3. Top Industry Trends – This could be the top 5, top 10, etc. whatever you have to work with. Write a quick introduction on these new developments in your industry and write about these developments telling the reader what you think about each of them.

4. Create a video of the product – Videos have become very popular and at no time has it been easier for anyone to upload a video and then share it with the customer and prospects. Create a video showing all the features of your product, how to accomplish a specific goal, or whatever else. Then use that video to have them move forward in the sales funnel.

5. Checklist – You can create a checklist that is made up of steps that your visitor can use to solve a specific problem. For example, if your visitor is looking to use Facebook pages, you could create a checklist that walks them through the process.

You now have five types of content you can use to engage your visitors and have them commit to being a subscriber. Why not give them a try?

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